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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chapter 2: Love Striking

             Last time in the Amber Family, Adel had just realized that life ain't perfect.  **Gasps**It's always hard the first time, and you have to face THAT fact.

Since Adel had some free time, she decided to spend it improving her painting skill.  She especially had  an interest in painting,
                          I'm noticing.

Adel wasn't pleased to discover the pile of bills on her yard.  She already didn't have a lot of money,and didn't want to have to spend it on bills! She sighed, the most she could do.
                    "Oh, bills, oh bills!"  Adel groaned as she placed the  bill in her mail boxDefinately the worst thing about living in Sunset Valley. Whoops! I meant to say Anywhere.
Adel hoped for a promotion as she made her way to work. She didn't have much other plans for the day though.  Just ambition.

Indeed, Adel was now level 2 on the buissness path! Yet, Adel felt she still wanted something....
Her heart was set on having a good relationship with her boss.  She was so sure that it would help her a lot. However, since Adel learned her lesson trying to visit the boss, she instead called him for a chat.  Result: Good.I'd keep that up if I were her...
Realizing her stove was getting dirty, Adel spent her time cleaning it.
"Ahah! Let's see if I can.." Adel got a plan on trying to get her boss's relationship up with her.  Wow, she sure loves him or something...
It happened to be that Iqbal was free the next day, so Adel invited him for some coffee, a chat, and perhaps some gossip about town.


That's when Adel stopped she gazed into Iqbal's eyes, urge to do something...
YES SHE DID IT! Adel leaned forward and kissed Iqbal Alvi.  She felt shocked, yet at the same time, joyful!
Adel smiled for the rest of the evening, she was still just soo shocked, amazed! (Her cooking skill had improved significantly, by now!Hmmm..
With not much else to do, Adel read her new recipe book.  She wanted to take her mind off things for a little.
Adel however, could not escape how she felt so attracted to Iqbal. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all to treat her to a bit of romance!
It can't be possible.. but maybe it is. Adel was really wanting to be close to Iqbal. It was an unextinguishable flame inside of her.  So what will happen now?  Is Adel going to pop the question, or do nothing at all about this? Might she possibly find a new lover?  When will she have some kids?  the next chapter will be long, all These questions will be answered!

    I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter, I'm sorry it was short.  I haven't got too much sim time on my hands........................................


  1. Great story so far! Adel is such a beautiful name, I might name one of my sims Adel! Can't wait to read the next post and thanks for following my blog. :D

  2. GREAT POST! I read this one and your last one as well. You are doing a fantastic job! I will follow it soon. I just have trouble's following blogs when on my laptop (don't ask cuz I'm confused) I will follow you once I get to my desktop!!!

  3. Thnx so much for your comments! They made my day! :D u guys can suggest names for future generations.

  4. Good job :)
    My first name is Amber :)

  5. Thnx so much evryone!! :D Im happy that u all like my blog. And spacifically to Amber- it is funny how ur first name is Amber while my Amber is a last name! lol! If u follow my blog , i will follow urs. I started to read your challenge, and im liking it.
